To ensure credibility and transparency, PipeTech’s background theory has been published in several top rated rigorously peer reviewed international journals:
- Guo, X., Yan, X., Yu, J., Yang, Y., Zhang, Y., Chen, S., Mahgerefteh, H., Martynov, S., and Collard, A., 2017. Pressure response and phase transitions during the release of high pressure CO2 from a large-scale pipeline, Energy 118, pp. 1066-1078.
- Mahgerefteh, H., Sundara, V., Brown, S. and Martynov, S., 2016. Modelling emergency isolation of carbon dioxide pipelines. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 44, pp.88-93.
- Zheng, W., Mahgerefteh, H., Brown, S. and Martynov, S., 2016. Integral Multiphase Turbulence Compressible Jet Expansion Model for Accidental Releases from Pressurized Containments. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 55(27), pp.7558-7568.
- Brown, S., Martynov, S. and Mahgerefteh, H., 2015. Simulation of two-phase flow through ducts with discontinuous cross-section. Computers & Fluids, 120, pp.46-56.
- Mahgerefteh, H., Brown, S. and Denton, G., 2012. Modelling the impact of stream impurities on ductile fractures in CO2 pipelines. Chemical engineering science, 74, pp.200-210.
- Mahgerefteh, H., Jalali, N. and Fernandez, M.I., 2011. When does a vessel become a pipe?. AIChE Journal, 57(12), pp.3305-3314.
- Mahgrefteh, H., Brown, S. and Zhang, P., 2010. A dynamic boundary ductile-fracture-propagation model for CO 2 pipelines. Journal of Pipeline Engineering, 9(4).
- Mahgerefteh, H. and Brown, S., 2011, January. Influence of line pressure and temperature on fracture propagation behaviour in CO2 pipelines. In Rio Pipeline Conference and Exposition, Technical Papers (Vol. 2011).
- Mahgerefteh, H., Rykov, Y. and Denton, G., 2009. Courant, Friedrichs and Lewy (CFL) impact on numerical convergence of highly transient flows. Chemical Engineering Science, 64(23), pp.4969-4975.
- Mahgerefteh, H., Denton, G. and Rykov, Y., 2008. A hybrid multiphase flow model. AIChE journal, 54(9), pp.2261-2268.
- Mahgerefteh, H. and Abbasi, M.U., 2007. Modeling blowdown of pipelines under fire attack. AIChE journal, 53(9), pp.2443-2450.
- Mahgerefteh, H., Oke, A.O. and Rykov, Y., 2006. Efficient numerical solution for highly transient flows. Chemical engineering science, 61(15), pp.5049-5056.
- Mahgerefteh, H. and Atti, O., 2006. Modeling low‐temperature–induced failure of pressurized pipelines. AIChE Journal, 52(3), pp.1248-1256.
- Mahgerefteh, H., Oke, A. and Atti, O., 2006. Modelling outflow following rupture in pipeline networks. Chemical engineering science, 61(6), pp.1811-1818.
- Mahgerefteh, H., Atti, O. and Denton, G., 2006. An interpolation technique for rapid CFD simulation of highly transient flows. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 84(B6), pp.1-6.
- Oke, A., Mahgerefteh, H., Economou, I. and Rykov, Y., 2003. A transient outflow model for pipeline puncture. Chemical engineering science, 58(20), pp.4591-4604.
- Mahgerefteh, H., Saha, P. and Economou, I.G., 2000. Modeling fluid phase transition effects on dynamic behavior of ESDV. AIChE journal, 46(5), pp.997-1006.
- Mahgerefteh, H., Saha, P. and Economou, I.G., 1999. Fast numerical simulation for full bore rupture of pressurized pipelines. AIChE Journal, 45(6), pp.1191-1201.
- Mahgerefteh, H., Saha, P. and Economou, I.G., 1997. A study of the dynamic response of emergency shutdown valves following full bore rupture of gas pipelines. Process safety and environmental protection, 75(4), pp.201-209.